
So, I have some fantastic news! As most of you know, or at least can tell, I have a passion for serving with Inca Link in South America. Now I knew this past summer was not going to be my last time, but since I have been home I have been in constant prayer as to what God has planned for me this next year. Currently, I attend a local community college where I am finishing up my last three classes in order to have my associates degree. I knew at the beginning of my summer, that that was a must do! However my spring semester was unplanned and I have been praying that God would use that time, in a way that was pleasing to him, but also in a way that is something I am passionate about, serving Him.

Leaving Peru, I talked to a lot of people about different alternatives of how I can continue to serve with Inca Link and what they looked like. I was always fond of the idea of joining Link Year, however I never thought it was possible because of school. However that’s not true. Inca Link is allowing me to jump into Link Year in December once my fall semester has ended. Now I will be missing Columbia, but I will be spending three months in Ecuador and three months in Peru. I am so excited to dive deeper into the ministries within Inca Link and I can’t wait to see what the Lord will show me during this time. I am going into this experience only buying a plane ticket to South America and not a return ticket, because hey, who knows what will happen 😉 .

Like I have said in my previous posts, God is doing some incredible things in South America, and I am so excited and so honored to be included in that. Please continue to pray for me, for funding, for travel, for transitioning back to South America, and for God to continue using me. I am so excited to see where things go.

I will be doing a couple different things this time around, one of which being an email list. If you are interested in getting updates on my time in South America, I ask that you get in contact with me somehow so I can have your email address. You can give it to me directly, you can email me at kendall.n.gill@gmail.com, or message me with your email. I cannot promise constant emails, but I am shooting for at least twice a month! Also, I am looking to try and do some different kinds of fundraising, such as selling tshirts. While I don’t have anything planned yet, look for ideas on that.

Thank you so much for all your support, both friends and family. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers from this summer as well as this next upcoming year.

Thank You Time

This summer, would not have been able to be made possible without so many people! I honestly don’t even know where to begin. As I’ve been home, I have started to process my summer, and how amazing God is. God was so prevalent in my 2 1/2 months in South America, and some of the tiniest ways are now becoming obvious to me.

First Things First: Mom and Dad

To my parents, thank you for sharing you daughter with those in South America. Although there were times that it wasn’t easy, y’all know my heart is in South America, and I can’t thank you enough for allowing me to experience it. I missed y’all so much and I thank you for allowing me to pursue what I love, and encouraging me in all that I want to do. I can’t wait to see what the future holds, and I hope that one day, y’all will come down and experience something that I have such a passion for.

My Church Community

Y’all are literally the best. I can’t thank y’all enough for supporting me throughout the years. For those of you that don’t know me, thank you for trusting in those that told you about me, and thank you for trusting in me. Y’alls support was so encouraging and I can’t thank you enough for that. For those of you that do know me, good gravy do I owe y’all one giant hug. Y’all are so appreciated and I am sad that many of you could not come down and visit me this summer, but I love y’all so much, and I can’t wait to visit with you and talk about my trip. I am surrounded with the best church community and I can’t thank God enough for blessing me with y’all!

Rich and Elisa

Thank y’all so much for taking the time this summer, to pour into us interns. It was so incredible to be able to train with you guys and get to learn directly from the two of you. Thank you for encouraging us and believing in us, and trusting us to lead teams. Being an intern is something I will always remember and I am so excited to see where the future takes me. Thank you for meeting with each one of us individually and checking in on us. Y’all are such an inspiration and I can’t wait to see where and when our paths will cross again!

Luke and Jess

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Y’all had the most difficult task, dealing with us interns. I know everyone says this, but you guys were literally our parents away from home. Thank you for checking in on us, keeping us accountable, and being our heart monitors. You guys were always so busy, but yet still found the time to check in on us. Y’all are both filled with so much wisdom and I can’t thank you enough for pouring into us. I am excited for y’alls new position with Inca Link, and I know this isn’t goodbye, just see you later! I can’t say thank you enough.

Mi Familia Peruana

Gracias por todo. Gracias por darme la bienvenida y ser una segunda familia para mi. Gracias por cuidarnos y por brindarme su amistad. Fue tan difícil despedirse, pero no es un adiós, es un nos vemos pronto! Los extraño mucho! Dios los bendiga y volveré pronto!

Los Chicos de Inca Thakhi

Muchas gracias por su amistad. Ustedes son algunos de mis mejores amigos. Gracias por siempre hacerme reír, y estar ahí para mejorar mi día. Es increíble ver cómo Dios está trabajando en sus vidas. Hasta pronto amigos!!

For My Teams

Wow! You were all amazing! Thank you for pouring into me, both spiritually, and with your energy. Each and everyone of you made my summer the best and I cannot wait to see the rocks you picked up turn into gems, and watch your fruit develop. If any of you ever need me, I am always available and I’d love to catch up. I hope to see you all again soon!! Thank you for loving on us interns, and I am so glad for your friendship. Again, this is not goodbye, just see you later!

Fellow Interns

I know it wasn’t always easy, but I want to thank each and everyone of you. I have learned so much from each and everyone of you, and you guys have really helped me grow, whether you realized it or not. Through the ups and downs, I appreciate each and everyone of you, and thank you for taking you summer to serve with Inca Link. It was a pleasure and I hope to see you all at the intern reunion. God is going to do incredible things in each and every one of you.

Now for a Couple Specific Thank You’s


Wow I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.  Thank you for always be there to listen, you know I needed it. I don’t open up to very many people, but I was able to open up to you, and I cannot be more thankful for that. Leading a team with you was one of my favorite times this summer. Cooking in the kitchen, the endless combi rides, sitting on the carpetball table to vent, hanging in our hammocks, or just sitting in the office together, we had so many amazing memories and I can’t thank you enough for putting up with me this summer. Three years of friendship and I can’t wait to see where God continues to take you. I know our paths with for sure cross again! Saying goodbye to you was definitely one of the hardest. Remember, I don’t cry. Love you girly!


Joca thank you. Thank you so much for putting up with me for the past 4 years. Thank you for always checking in on me and making sure I am okay and for asking those tough questions and really pushing me to think. You are such an inspiration and I really look up to you. I know we are always making fun of each other, but you’ve made such a huge impact in my life. Thank you Jocey Pokey!


Thank you so much finding me in the Quito airport! It was so much fun going through the amazing race with your help. It’s been great knowing you for four years and I can’t thank you enough for your friendship. You’re always there to listen and I thank you for trust me. Remember that it is not goodbye, it is see you later!

Saying Goodbye

As I sit in the Quito airport, I have two hours of waiting before I can check in. Lots of waiting means lots of time for reflection. Now I am not the kind of person to write my feelings down, or even express them for that matter, but I am going to give it a shot.

Time In Peru

I fall in love with this country over and over again, and each time more and more. Spanish might not be my first language, but the people in this country welcome me with open arms, and I cannot be more thankful for that and them. From the minute I stepped foot in Peru (literally the minute I crossed the border) and overwhelming sense of relief hit me and I knew in that moment, that I was where I was supposed to be this summer. From the relationships that were newly created, to the ones that were continued, I immediately felt an extreme since of belonging. This summer really opened my eyes and helped me to realize a lot about the ministries there. When we go down on short term teams, we often forget that the ministries that we are partnering with, run 365 days a year, with or without our help. They are fully capable to do things without us, yet they allow us to partner with them and experience God’s love through the kids. I think as North Americans, we also come in to short term missions trip with the perspective that we can fix all the problems because we have all the answers and because we have the resources. But this is so untrue. Its not always about “fixing the problem” but more often than not, it has a lot to do with the relationships made along the way. I can’t thank God (and Luke and Jess) for helping me to realize that this summer. Another thing I realized this summer is how much outreach the ministries in Trujillo do. I wish I could’ve had more time to spend, diving into each ministry, and uncovering everything they do. I was in Peru for two months and that still wasn’t enough time. God is doing some incredible things in South America, and I feel so privileged to be apart of it. Another huge theme I discovered this summer was raising leaders through discipleship. These ministries are raising up the older kids to be able to lead projects on their own. One of my favorite examples is at Elim (the garbage dump ministry run by Brent and Steph). They have stopped asking volunteers from their church to come out and run classes, but instead have asked some of the older teenagers to step up and help. With this in mind, if something was to happen and Brent and Steph are gone, the ministry can still thrive. They are raising leaders to ensure that that ministry continues on for years to come. Another example is the ministry Inca Thakhi (an extreme sports ministry run by Joca). Joca has discipled his older boys so much, that they are now leading their own projects within the ministry and discipling the younger boys. These are just two of many examples of some of the amazing things God is doing in Peru. Once again, I can not say enough, how excited I am to return to Peru and continue to serve alongside these ministries.

What God Has Been Teaching Me

So going into this summer, I had a couple goals. My main one being, trying to discern God’s voice and figure out my call, and if it is long term international missions (which I am praying it is). There is no doubt in my mind that I have a passion for serving overseas, but my biggest problem was trying to discern where. Yes I love Peru with my entire heart, but with it being the only country I had served in, I wasn’t sure if it was my calling or not. I seriously struggled with this and trying to figure out if it was a selfish desire, or if it was of God. As of now, I still don’t feel that I have a complete answer, however after talking to Rich and Elisa Brown (two of the most amazing people in the world and the founders of Inca Link), Rich poured into me that God’s will is not always something terrible and doesn’t always have to be suffering. He explained that not everyone is called to missions, and long term at that, and just because I enjoy it, doesn’t necessarily mean it is selfish. So as I think about that, and as I continue to be in constant prayer, I am constantly thinking about what is to occur next summer. Another thing God has taught me, is that no matter where I go, relationships can be made. I spent a week in Lima, Peru, a little reluctantly because I had 7 days left in Peru and only 2 of them would be with my second family. But as I spent my time in Lima, I realized that I love all of Peru, all of the kids, and that friendships can be made anywhere. I love my new friends in Lima, and I hope to be reunited with them soon! God is so incredible and it has been such a blessing to continue to grow this summer, and be poured into as I help pour into others.


Although my processing is nowhere close to being complete, this is just some of what I experienced this summer and I am so thankful for each and every second. From the uncomfortable times, to the constant jokes and laughs, to the touristy times, Gods presence was constantly known. I am sad to return home, but I am excited to see what happens when I get home. I know this is not goodbye, just see you later. Nos vemos pronto Peru, gracias por todo!

To Present Time

Hey everyone, sorry I’ve been super quiet! I potentially only get wifi once a week and even then, it’s not the best. But it’s been lots of fun to unplug while I’ve been gone. I’ve got a lot to catch y’all up on, so bare with me!

So as interns, we participated in what is called the Amazing Race. Literally identical to the tv show, The Amazing Race, but Inca Link style. We traveled all throughout Ecuador and Peru, learning about the cultures, practicing our Spanish, and having to independently using public transportation. From the jungle and coast in Ecuador, to all the sand in Peru, we covered many miles and grew so close to each other as an intern team. I got to see old friends in the jungles of Ecuador, as well as try some… interesting cultural traditions. In Manta, we got to time on the beautiful coast of Ecuador, got to travel on public transportation, and make a traditional Ecuadorian meal, known as Ecuadorian nachos. In Portoviejo, we got to visit the garbage dump which was an amazing experience and it was super moving. After our time in Ecuador, we were finally on our way to Peru! We got to Peru and got to see all four ministries in two days. We went up the mountain, got to see all the kids, and then had to say goodbye to the rest of the interns that were staying in Ecuador. There was so many experiences that happened on the amazing race, and I could spend days writing about them, but I don’t want to write a book, and I have so much more to share!

After the race, the interns staying in Peru went through some intern training, to learn about leading teams, and team bonding. We got super close in the time that we spent, and were ready for teams. We started out with a team from Lexington, Kentucky. I wasn’t one of their interns, but all interns had to participate since it was the first team. Each and every one of them were amazing to get to know and I was so touched by the spirit as a team and the joy they shared. There was also a team that came from Queens, New York that was only here for a couple days because they spent time in Lima. They were wonderful to get to know in such a short time. After those two teams left we had one rest day before the next wave of teams.

During the next wave of teams, I finally got to lead a team! They were from Seattle, Washington and they were all so amazing and beautiful, inside and out. So many memories were created and so many beautiful bonds as I got to watch them pour put God’s love. We currently still have three more teams on the compound, so I get to travel around with them, but I also get a break. I am definitely loving my time in Peru and can’t wait to see what is in store.

Please pray for me and my hopes for staying longer (Hopefully until September). Also for strength and health for me as well as my entire team of fellow interns. We are loving how God is moving and can’t wait to see all the amazing things that happen this summer. Love you all! Thanks for your support and prayers 🙂

Days 1-4

Sorry I haven’t been writing much, we have been super busy and don’t get too much free time. So because of that, I am going to try and squish all four days into one post!

Day 1: At this point, there are only four other interns and myself (we call ourselves the OG five). Breakfast was at 8, then we had free time to just lounge around the house. Then lunch and then we took a nice (scenic because we got lost) around Quito to look for the Super Maxi. We got there and walked around, noticed prices for certain things were crazy expensive and other goods were super cheap compared to the states. Then we all got ice cream (some very interesting flavors) and headed back to the house. I was definitely surprised to find out the the currency in Ecuador is dollars. After we got back to the house we ate dinner and then it was time for bed. We were expecting more interns but they weren’t coming until super late so we all went to bed.

Day 2: More interns have arrived!! Days are pretty routine as far as meals go. Get up, eat breakfast, and then training started. We took a test with Elisa Brown to discover our strengths and how we can use them as a team and rely on each other. After training, we had lunch and then we had siesta time. (It is common in most Latin American countries to have a siesta, nap time. I am a firm believer in nap time!) We then continued training with both Rich and Elisa where we started to go over our intern manual. Next is dinner, and then bed. Pretty simple day.

Day 3: As usual, woke up for breakfast, and then continued training with Rich. We took another test that analyzed our strengths as a team and how we use them as far as leaders and those who relate to people more. After we had lunch and our siesta and then got to take the trolly to Rich and Elisa’s house where we went over more of the intern manual and had dinner. We also got to hear Rich and Elisa’s testimony which was incredibly moving. Took the bus back to the house and that was the end of day 3.

Day 4: This morning a couple of us woke up extra early to help serve at a soccer game. I got to sell tickets to the locals and watch the game. After the game the Peru team stayed behind and played with the ball for a little bit, and then we all squished into a car and went to Moviestar which is a phone store so the Ecuador team could get phone cards. After we came back to the house for a late lunch, played some volleyball, and then we got to hear Daniels testimony. After his testimony we broke into our groups and learned about our teams for the summer and prayed over them. Had dinner and then some amazing bonding time with the other interns.

Four days into my journey and I’m having an amazing time. I’ve gotten so close to the other interns and I am super excited for this summer and what it has in store for us. God has done some amazing things already and I cannot wait to see what He will do this summer. Thank you all for your prayers!

Travel Day

Hello everyone, this is my attempt to start a blog to keep everyone posted and updated on what is going on in my two months of being in Ecuador and Peru. I am including my travel day in this blog because of course, nothing is dull in the life of Kendall. I arrived at Fort Lauderdale airport and get checked in. As I check in, the lady handling my baggage proceeds to tell me that I paid for four bags instead of the two I brought. So after checking my two bags I had a nice little chat with the lady from 1-800-JET-BLUE and everything was all set. Get through security, get on the plane, nice 4/5 hour plane ride, and I finally arrived in Ecuador. Once I arrived in Ecuador, I went through baggage claim, got my bags and went and stood over by the Amazonia Cafe which is where we were asked to meet. As I wait there, I am starting to get nervous because it has been over an hour and a half and I have not seen anyone I know. I open my intern manual, and start calling every number in the book to get in contact with someone. With no success and no wifi, I called my dad (yes at 1 am!) and asked him to message or call anyone he could on Facebook. Finally after waiting, Daniel (former Inca Link Peru Executive Director) comes running around the corner and I jump up and give him the biggest hug I have ever given!! Come to find out, there was simply a large column between me and the other interns that had arrived! So after my airport adventure, we get in the van and take about a 30 minute drive up the mountain and around lots of curves we make it to the house where we are staying. We meet Al and Amy, our house parents while we are here in Quito, and head up to bed after some quick general rules and quick tour. This is the end of my travel day! Day 1 is up next!! ☺️